Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Global information society

In this article, “Controversy blights UN net summit”, Twist writes that the world summit discusses the “ Information Society” and is getting a serious argument. They formally stated that they would make efforts to help poor countries with information and communication technologies. Technologies and knowledge would also lead all counties to include support from delegates and participating nations, but funding is not one problem, too. The idea that global information society to freedom of expression was remarkable during the summit; on the other hand, online restrictions are needed to protect states was one big opinion. Freedom in the connection between computers is for an information society, but there is no specific international standard yet.

We should see more differences and issues such as what is the most important way to solve this issue today between poor countries and rich countries. We don’t need protection from the free sharing of information. Also, spreading global connections helps the information society.

Creating a stable country is first. We have many differences between poor counties and rich countries. For example, one of the differences from this article is the technology gap between rich and poor nations. Funding is also related to these differences. First, stabilizing education, life, food, political economics, and family environment, then creating information society and expanding net access is better in less developed countries. In every country, gaining information is helpful. However, it is effective to get more information and make the information society after making the concrete standard such as educating children and adults in less developed countries. Then, the country will be getting settled down. First, we should create a stable county, which has capability to protect us from criminal act, terrorism, and illegal action.

Do we need protection from freedom of expression for the Internet? Free sharing of information can create the information society; however, some online restrictions are needed to protect states and government. Also, parents want to protect children. Children don’t need everything such as violence and pornography. This includes parents who want government to protect them from criminal acts using technology. However, if someone is selling information and putting a price on the information, people cannot get information easily. They cannot get a lot of information easily. Therefore, they can keep and get limited information, and violence, terrorism, and economic illegal action which harms state get less.

Not only the problem of getting information, but also developing net access and Internet connection access technology require time and funding. According to the man of the International Telecommunication Union, “Freedom in cyberspace is a pre-requisite for an information society” (Twist, 2005, para-6) . The free sharing of information is that they are working hard, but what is the most important in global information society? More increasing global events, more getting well global technologies, journalists, and bloggers that is related to information. That create information society through global events.

Considering what is the most important thing to solve issue is first in less developed countries. Free sharing of information can protect us from people and illegal acts by selling information and putting a price on information. Global events push all countries towards development goals. This is still the efficiency way of social information.


Twist, J. (2005, November 18). Controversy blights UN net summit. BBC NEWS. Retrieved March 19, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4450474.stm.

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